Monday, August 2, 2010

Zweiter Tag

Today was our 2nd day in Wien. The jet lag was starting to get to me today. We started the day with a tour of the school where we will be attending and where class will be held. (The picture to the left is not the school--it is the imperial library). The school is some distance away, and we need to take the subway to get there. It was founded between the two world wars as a means to bridge the gap between America and Vienna on an educational level. The school has a baby grand, which we are allowed to play if there are no classes meeting at that time! After that we went to a viennese restaurant for lunch and had some authentic Austrian Weißwein (Austria is known for there white wines, apparently). Afterwards, we went on a much-needed grocery shopping spree, as our rooms had pretty much nothing in them (they were nice enough to give us one roll of toilet paper). As homework, we researched the city where Joseph Haydn was the Hofkapellmeister: Eisenstadt. Founded in the Middle Ages, it was settled by at first Germanic tribes, and then came into the possession of the Habsburgs in 1451. It takes its name from the iron mining operations that took place there. In 1648 rule of the city passed to the Esterhazy family. This group of Hungarian princes changed the face of the city with new construction projects such as the Schloss Esterhazy. These princes were and remained loyal to the Habsburg monarchy, supplying forces during the 1683 Turkish siege of Vienna and again in 1809 when Napoleon occupied Vienna. In 1761 prince Paul Anton—himself a musical prince, playing the violin, flute, and the lute-- offered Joseph Haydn a position as vice-kapellmeister. In 1766 the old Kapellmeister died and Haydn was elevated to this new position by prince Nikolaus I. On the remote Esterhazy estate, Haydn wrote compositions, performed chamber music, ran the orchestra, and put on operas. In this environment, Haydn’s popularity both on the estate and abroad increased dramatically. In 1790, Nikolaus died and was succeeded by a prince who dismissed the entire musical ensemble. Haydn journeyed to England and then to Vienna to continue his lucrative composing career. He died in 1809 a rich man, above the status of ordinary composers.

Das deutsches Wort des Tages: Leider ist die Webseite, die das Wort des Tages enthält, nicht verfügbar. Weil die Webseite schiefgegangen ist, werde ich etwas anderes machen. Statt das Wort des Tages dieser Webseite gebe ich mein eigenes Tageswort ein, das ich vorher nicht kannte: Lebenskünstler. Das Wort ist eine Bezeichnung für ein Person, der Liebhaber des Lebens und Lebenstils ist und wer weißt, was besonders gut im Leben ist.


  1. Du bist selbst ein Lebenskuenstler. Geniesst Musik, Natur, Kultur und gutes Essen!

  2. Moin Sammy! Mit Interesse verfolgen wir Deine Tage in Wien. Wir freuen uns, dass Du Sinn dafuer hast, alles in vollen Zuegen zu geniessen. Wir geniessen gerade schoenes Wetter auf Roemoe.

    Oma & Opa

  3. I love your word of the day, Sam. I wish we had this word in English. It is so fun to read your blog and see the photos.
    Kim, Dean, and Katie
